qué tal - significado y definición. Qué es qué tal
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Qué (quién) es qué tal - definición

Tal; TAL (disambiguation); Tal (surname); Tal (disambiguation)

Tal language         
Mudak; ISO 639:tal
Tal is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Plateau State, Nigeria. Tal is spoken in a cluster of 53 villages located east of the Panyam-Shendam road.
Josef Tal         
  • First lines of ''Piano Concerto No. 2'' (1953)
  • Tal piano recital at Tel Aviv Museum (May 8, 1944)
  • Tal checks a manuscript (2006)
  • A caricature by Meir Ronnen following the premiere of Tal's ''Concerto No. 4 for Piano & Electronics''.<ref>Bar-Am, Benjamin: ''Unconventional Music'', Jerusalem Post Musical Diary, August 29, 1962.</ref>
  • Tal with Palestine Conservatoire of Music Orchestra (1939)
  • Tal at the Electronic Music Studio (~1965)
  • Josef Tal with his father Julius Grünthal, 1917
Joseph Tal; Joseph Grünthal; Joseph Grunthal; Josef tal; Yosef Tal
Josef Tal (; September 18, 1910 – August 25, 2008) was an Israeli composer. He wrote three Hebrew operas; four German operas, dramatic scenes; six symphonies; 13 concerti; chamber music, including three string quartets; instrumental works; and electronic compositions.
Tal Memorial         
Mikhail Tal Memorial; Tal Memorial 2012
The Tal Memorial is an annual chess tournament played in Moscow from 2006 to 2018 with the exception of 2015, to honour the memory of the former World Champion Mikhail Tal (1936–1992).



TAL or Tal may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para qué tal
1. Hola, qué tal?
Hispanic Culture Influences Literature _ Isabel Allende _ Talks at Google